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Hello there and welcome to the first blog entry. This will be the first ofmany posts to be listed here. Don’t expect some profound wisdom in these posts nor come here looking for technical scientific articles. 😊 This is just a space where I come to express my thoughts, feelings and experiences. Posts might be […]


Trapped in a toxic relationship with your wellbeing? This might be a bit farfetched, but just read along and let me know what you think. This is not scientifically researched (at least not to my knowledge), so just consider this “Hamada’s opinion.” First off, let’s look at some of the characteristics of a toxic relationship: […]


Every territory can be represented by so many different maps. Different maps serve different functions. A map that shows you only streets and addresses is very useful when you are trying to find directions from on point to another. Such a map however doesn’t help you understand where the water will gather on a heavy […]
